Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Informal Methods of Research

Here's what I would say if someone asked me about my research methods and how I approach writing a paper:
Use online resources of course but, you still can't beat walking around in the stacks. Why? Because you may run across something you weren't initially looking for and the source may be even more useful. Find everything you can; especially primary (original) sources- to me, this is what research is all about. Devour them all, collecting any pertinent information and peripheral information. This takes time, patience, and voracious reading. When said materials are exhausted, proceed with sifting through the deluge; molding, bending, twisting, and fitting the information into your outline which will ultimately uphold and support your thesis.

Cite anything that is not your original idea even if it is not a direct quote, all the while interjecting your original, critical observations.

Sounds easy right? Well it's not.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preparing to Defend Braxton Bragg

I recently re-enrolled in college to get ready for graduate school. I seemed to have gravitated towards military history while earning my bachelor's degree in History with a minor in English. This is my first blog on the subject. I am preparing to write an 18 page research paper for one of my classes. I have chosen to defend General Braxton Bragg. Most historians seem to loathe him. I believe many of their accusations are exaggerated and sometimes, downright unfounded. If anyone should stumble across this humble attempt at scholarly blogging (would that be an oxymoron?), please don't hesitate to give your opinions on the subject. That's it for now. I will be publishing my findings when the mood strikes.